An excellent expository or argumentative essay relies on impressive evidence to prove a point. Good writers offer relevant evidence such as examples, arresting news events, data from surveys, opinions of experts on the issue, and facts in every paragraph to illustrate ideas and convince the reader. Here are links to current affairs news videos to help you catch up.
- Singapore Smart Tech Nation
- The Changing Asian Family.
- Why Singapore Education System Works
- The Poor in Singapore
- Impact of Cities on Environment
- Catching Up with Singapore Sports School
- Protecting the Rights of Migrant Workers
- Finland’s Education System
- Baby Blues & Falling Birth Rates in Singapore
- An Overview of Singapore
- Transportation Problems in Singapore
- Hong Kong & Merger with China
- Get Real: Gambling in Singapore
- Animal Welfare in Singapore
- Singapore & USA relations
- Asian Parents in the 21st Century
- Adoption & Orphans in Asian
- The Elderly in Japan
- Discrimination Against Women in Asia
- Singapore Kids Excel at Mathematics
- Drought & Global Warning in Asia
- Help for Special Needs Kids
- Facing Dementia in Singapore
- Singapore & China Relations
- What Happens After PSLE?
- Are Singapore Roads Safe